
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
2            3    4    
 7       8          


2. It's my job to cut your hair. I'm a ....
5. It's the season before summer.
6. It's a Teddy-....
7. It's a very cold season.
9. Oups! I don't have my ....
10. It's important to go shopping!


1. It's his birthday! I will offer him a ...
3. A pencil, a compass and a ………………are important in maths, in géométry in particular.
4. It's a girl's clothes.
8. You play tennis with this.